( 716 ) 998-9210 preferred text
updated by 3/25/2024
Easy ordering : Read entire site and educate yourself on product name and quantity you need / send 1st text with ( TEXT CODE from bottom of this site) address, product name, quantity you need !!! I will send back a (text quote) a.s.a.p. Usually delivery's are same /next day after you confirm quote. Delivery time and specific concerns are handled via TEXT ! Absolutely no voice mail !!!
OUR Prices include fuel surcharges and costs incurred from supply chain !
NO Surprises , NYS TAX and Square 3.5% NOT included !!!
Past and currant demands for Food Gardens and Top Seedbed soil ( lawns ) have made our primary
Premium soil is canceled simply put, garden has same use as a top layer for new lawns and repairs.
Garden makes a super great top dressing also !
re-stocking of fresh loads of black mulch usually ends about July 4th. so when were out !!!
Were out for the season !!! Get it before July starts !!!
Support Veterens
We Support YOU

We Can Do Custom Blending
Shreaded +Â Screened Products
Toms Supply is a home owners and Contractor Supplies Yard. We provide a selection of quality products, with an easy and comfortable shopping experience from your home or office With the opportunity to have products delivered or we can load you , usually orders are shipped the same day , and exceptional customer service. Check out our specials and best-sellers, and clearance items today.

We Can Do Custom Blending
Shredded + Screened Products Wholesale
Deliverys ONLY !!! No customer pickups without prior clearance
Toms Supply is a home owner Supply Yard. We provide a selection of quality organic soil products delivered !
Usually orders are shipped the same day and with exceptional customer communication for arrival times. ( After your confirmation of quote you will receive additional texting rules ) That will insure the least amount of wasted time for you or us.
Check out our seasonal specials and best-sellers today
Small Title
Take over a profitable turnkey operation !!!
I have decided to start thinking retirement after serving the area over 45 years
in the Lawn and Snow and Construction Industry with a period in the US NAVY .
My physical ability's have diminished and its getting close to pasture time ?
Business name ,equipment,inventory,property,vehicles,home,garage,tools etc.
Everything goes except the RV and the Wife !!!
Pending on your own ability's and drive with honesty and integrity a reasonable assumption payback period could be realized in 5 to 7 years .
Communication and Delivery
1st contact text (w/website code FIND AT BOTTOM) to prove not a ROBO 9-5 M-F (Sat?)
Normal Delivery 8-??? Mon,Wed,Fri (Sat ?)
After a Order is CONFIRMED and on PRE-ORDER BOARD !!! TEXT TAG can happen 7am till ???
You Need To keep flexibility in mind and hang on to phone
Like a Teenager (or get skipped) I do not Drive and Text.
Use arrows on side to see All products
Contact Us
10 yard mulch black only special FREE DELIVERY ( local 4 miles )Black Triple Ground Mulch $ 450 per 10 yards ( All Year Long ). Split with your NEIGHBOR ? Wheel barrow party ! 1 driveway dump , Split dumps EXTRA . Be own contractor/ installer (extra income) Put kids to work !
Minimum normal delivery is $ 50 per any load not a special. All orders are 2 yard minimum
DELIVERY PRICES ARE BASED ON MILEAGE !!! LOCAL =4 MILES = $ 50 other mileage quoted at $ 8 per mile (one way) in general with roadway Detours possibly added $$$ !
5 yard max per load dump truck ( soils ) / 10 yards ( mulch ).
8 yard max per load dump trailer (soils ) / 10 yards ( mulch ).
double loads ( 10 yards soil ) max / ( 14 yards mulch ) max. LOCAL
separate products can only be combined in separate vehicles as a separate load !!!
2 yard minimum order !!! or add $ 10 short load charge !
All Prices are plus NYS Tax and bridge tolls
Cash pay on delivery / or credit card (add 3.5%) !
you can prepay with card on pre-orders if you wish !
and take advantage of not needing to be home just mark or tell us the spot for dump.
No off driveway with prepay !!!!
We use ( Square ) for Charge Card Add 3.5% to total

This Is A Good Time To Prep Your Roses + Fragile Plants For The Winter !!!
You get a enocomic price !!! We get Yard Cleaned Up !!!
RAIN affects the quality in our final soil production
Dry soil making is a 3/8 to 1/2 inch screen. / slightly moist soil is 3/4 screen !!! we do not screen wet soils ever !!!
Simply put high moisture soils do not go threw shredder screen-er very good so we have to use a larger screen size in spring and rainy weather than we normally use during dry weather. ALL OUR SOILS are blended with organic leaf and wood chip compost to help in good germination . it takes usually 3 days after a rain to get material back to a desired dryness for the fine screen again, usually this is not a issue as we stock in a shelter , however the raw soils are stored outside and during high rain periods like spring of 2020 there could be a delay in your delivery .
Both soils ( premium soil and garden blend) WILL STILL do their intended use !!! its just they have courser ( not as fine organic pieces ).
You inspect , you pay , we dump You are invited to come inspect soils or mulch prior to delivery but you must have a appointment and be very prompt on your timing ( text tag is a must ).
Absolutely No just stop by !!!
Garden blend also makes a super top dress for new lawns or repairs. Its a true level it seed it material. especially good for holding moisture for seed germination. It is not designed for heavy traffic from vehicles as it stays soft . please go to products and read description.
Delivery Charges Are Slashed by 25 % Between April 15th and Memorial Day !
All products are sold by the cubic yard except millings !!!
Different products have different weights per yard . our usual max soil load is 4 yards per delivery, mulches and chips can

Small to Big Jobs
We do soil leveling + Grading, soil removal and trenching, Tree + Stump removal. pic is aged cow manure for garden blend material

Bring a chainsaw , bring a splitter , bring a buddy, bring a truck or trailer !!!
cut and split your own firewood simple deal you keep a face and you leave a face.
this is not by any means or terms employment !!! you are strictly self liable !!!
ALSO available free wood chunks,crotches,large diameter rounds, etc. great for boilers and bonfires, camping
All products are sold by the cubic yard except millings (by the ton) firewood=facecord !!!
Our standard max load for soils in just the truck is 5 yards per delivery (local). With mulches and chips it can go as high as 10 yards pending on the weight if there was rain or not ! we have ADDED A DUMP TRAILER to achieve larger volumes and 2 different material types can be ordered at same time ( trailer is another load charge ) Larger trucks can be ordered but there is a usual 2 to 3 day minimum wait time ( no sidewalk,curb crossing, no backyards etc. ) This is the main reason we use a smaller 4 wheel drive dump truck ( less weight ), and fit threw a standard wood fence opening of 8 feet and if ground is solid we'll deliver anywhere ! Also into your backyard and or quick spread ( additional charge ). we also can usually dump directly into landscape beds ( extra charge by time )saving you a lot of wheelbarrow trips or expense to hire our skidsteer ! 1 yard = 27 cubic feet approx. 7 to 9 wheelbarrows, 2 yards will fill a standard pickup 8 foot bed water level.
ALL DELIVIERIES ARE DRIVEWAY DUMPING !!! unless you have made this clear at your time of ordering .
if dumping is going to be more time than normal quick in and out there will be a added charge ! Absolutely NO CHECKS !!!
ANY off driveway dumping is the customers sole responsibility for their property damage ruts,sewer and water pipes etc. and truck damage and towing expense !!! Also truck time ( $ 75 per hour). So think before you ask us to go off driveway !!!